Allegany County Office of Development

Allegany County Office of Development

6087 NYS Route 19 North
Belmont, NY 14813
P: +1 585-268-7472

We at Allegany County Office of Development are updating the information on this page. Check back soon!

Data Name Value Percent
Total Population  
Median Age 38.9  
Total Households  
Median Household Income $58,725  
Per Capita Income $  
Total Housing Units  
Median Unit Value $93,200  
Median Monthly Costs Owners $744  
Median Monthly Costs Owners w/ Mortgage $1,148  
Median Monthly Costs Owners w/o Mortgage $506  
Median Contract Rent $570  
High School Graduate or Higher, Age 25+ %
Bachelor's Degree or Higher, Age 25+ %
Mean travel time to work N/A