Sample Region

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View industry data for year:
Business categories with zero establishments are not listed. To maintain confidentiality employment figures may be approximated and payroll figures may be suppressed.
  Employment % Total LQ Average
Yearly Change
% Average
Yearly Change
  Number of
% Total LQ Average
Yearly Change
% Average
Yearly Change
  Annual Payroll
% Total LQ Average
Yearly Change
% Average
Yearly Change
  Quarterly Payroll % Total LQ Average
Yearly Change
% Average
Yearly Change
Establishments With 1-49 Employees
  1-4 5-9 10-19 20-49
Establishments With 50-999 Employees
  50-99 100-249 250-499 500-999
Establishments With 1,000+ Employees
  1,000+ 1,000-1,499 1,500-2,499 2,500-4,999 5,000+